Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello from the land of baby!

Hi all,

Sorry for the blog silence, it is hard to find the time or energy to blog since Quinn was born but we really appreciate all of you that have been e-mailing, calling, and dropping by to visit! The last six weeks have been a crazy roller coaster ride and we are still trying to figure out what we are doing. Quinn is amazing and is growing very fast. She was 7lbs 15oz at birth, went down to 7lbs 7oz and then 7lbs 5oz but by 1 week she was back up to 7lbs 14oz (they wanted her to be at birth weight by 2 weeks), at her 2 week checkup she was 8lbs 8oz, at her 4 week check up she was 10lbs 5oz, and today at her 6 week check up (a few days late)she is 12 lbs and 22 inches long (up 1.5 from birth). She doesn't really have a schedule but has in the last week started having one stretch of sleep at night that lasts around 3 hours which is amazing for her exhausted parents. She also has started smiling in the last couple weeks (mostly at everyone but her parents). I hope that we can post more regularly because for all intents and purposes this is her baby book!

She is starting to fuss and as Taylor is in class I am a single parent tonight so off to snuggle and feed her.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Please take note of the slideshow on the left side of the blog

I am updating it periodically, so keep track of it at your convenience.
We promise to try to post a real blog sometime soon.
