Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bodily functions and fluids

So yeah. We have turned into those parents that call the pediatrician a lot. To be fair to us I think they should expect this of new parents and really we have only called three times since our last appointment. The first was when we were diagnosing my lipase enzyme milk issue; just to be sure there wasn't anything we could do and to ask some nutritional questions for Quinn, the second was when she hadn't pooped in five days; apparently aside from dehydration growth spurts can be an explanation as they are using all of their nutrients for that...also the child had two major blowout poops that night after we had called, and then last weekend when we experiencing "baby's first vomit"--when she threw up all over me and out her mouth AND nose. Props to Taylor here who came running and helped clean up despite a strong aversion vomit. This recalls the time we were at a 4th of July party at a downtown Portland hotel where two suites had been taken over. This poor girl started to retch and Taylor was out the door, down the hall, and in the next suite before it even hit the floor. So the vomiting was scary and probably a result of all her sinus drainage but we called to double check and see what we should watch for. Quinn is, of course, fine just very snarfely (yes, I made that up) due to her daycare cold. Taylor took some fun pictures that we will try and get posted and a great video that we hope to figure out as well. Oh and the other news is that she seems to be teething, good times!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

April update

I know, I know…no guilt or I won’t post at all! Here is an update on us (remember that even when we don’t write the pictures on the left get updated).

*Breastfeeding is still going really well although we discovered (luckily before daycare started) that I have this lipase enzyme in my milk (doesn’t hurt the milk or the baby) that makes the milk taste soapy after awhile and therefore it does not last as long as milk without this enzyme. Basically I have to scald my milk which gets rid of some of the immunological properties but allows for longer storage. She gets a bottle of scalded and fresh milk for the morning; I feed her at lunch, and then the fresh milk I pumped in the morning for the afternoon. She transitioned to the bottle really well for the daycare folks (Rosa is fabulous!) but still doesn’t like taking a bottle from her Zaza or obviously me.

*Daycare has been working out really well. She goes M/W/F and the people there are really nice. The babies seem happy and the other parents I have talked to, some with older kids as well are very pleased with the program. I wish we didn’t have to pay so much money but it is worth it to have her in such a good place.

*Quinn is a smiley wonderful baby. For the most part she is mellow except when her basic needs (sleep, food, pooping) aren’t met.

*We started transitioning her to her crib last week which has been a struggle but not as bad as we thought it would be…last night was the worst so writing that was hard! She had been in the bed with us and then in the bassinet but she outgrew it. Plus, we discovered that she and I sleep much better apart as much as I want to snuggle. Taylor can sleep through anything so she doesn’t count.

I am sure there is so much more but I want to make sure this gets posted.

Love to all!