Sometimes I forget to post for so long that when I think about doing it I talk myself out of it. Quinn continues to grow like crazy and learn all kinds of new things. To make it simpler and ease myself back into posting here are 10 things that I can remember happening in the last few months!!
1. Quinn's language skills continue to develop. Tonight at bedtime she said "monkey" and apparently a couple nights ago at dinner she said "hell yeah" to her Aunt Irene and Zaza...Zaza tried to tell her it should be "Hells yeah" but she wasn't buying it. She has about 10 plus words now that she uses on a regular basis.
2. She runs everywhere. Everywhere. She is quite busy.
3. She also signs quite a bit and is most emphatic about saying "more, please!".
4. We had visitors (Thanks for coming Moyer family!) and a trip to OMSI.
5. We were told by one of her teachers that they think she will be good at sports as she "full body tackled" one of her little friends.
6. She has developed a shoe fetish. She likes to pick them up, hand them to people, play with them. She is also very excited to put on her indoor shoes or outdoor shoes.
7. She likes to poke her head out the cat door into the garage if she thinks people are out there and shout "hi".
8. She now pushes and pulls on people saying "up" if she would you to come play with her.
9. She tantrums. We are not amused. Okay, a little because it is hard not to be when she flops on the floor.
10. Her skin issues continue with a diagnosis of canker sores in the mouth today. We have to swab her mouth with a mylanta and benadryl mixture. Poor baby.
Stay tuned for a guest blog from Aunt Irene!