Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hi all! We are doing great or rather we are attempting to be doing varies from day to day. Quinn is wonderful, she is in the 96th percentile for height and the 95th for weight. The pediatrician encouraged us to start solids a little early and we have. I have been making food myself (I know, it is amazing) and gave her sweet potatoes and tonight (at Zaza's birthday party) she wolfed down some homemade brown rice cereal. We have only tried food four times but she seems to be getting the hang of it. We also recently went on a family trip to the coast and hung out with Nona and Grampy much to their and Quinn's delight. It was during that trip that Quinn first rolled from her front to her back and within the week she went from back to front. As of today she is rolling over whenever she feels like it...although she does get stuck occasionally. More later!


Adrien Paul Taylor said...

I think that the rolling over was an attempt to get away from me!

Adrien Paul Taylor said...

So, is the spoon still Quinn's friend? Or does it depend on what's in/on the spoon? I can hardly wait for the wedding - such a nice excuse to come for some more cuddles.