Sigh. My family is a mess of skin issues. On Tuesday the left side of Taylor's tongue swelled up and then it went away, and then on Wednesday she had swelling inside the lower part of her mouth, and today her wrists are swelling and she took Benadryl and has gone to bed. Quinn is actually ok and we haven't had to give her Benadryl in a couple weeks (since she ate the wheat and reacted...please don't let her allergy test show an allergy to wheat!!!). She has survived the worst diaper rash ever although it seems to be trying to make a come back (we used a few kinds of diaper cream, jock itch cream, compounded prescription cream, and finally an anti fungal that seemed to work)...and we have had to switch to 7th generation disposables.
Quinn had blood drawn for allergy testing and the results should be back on Monday. As we weren't able to expose her to eggs and a couple other things I am worried she is allergic but it won't show up. I am hoping for no allergies to soy and wheat. She has been weaning, which is sad for me and brought up all kinds of mommy guilt, but she is drinking diluted goat's milk (good for the lactose intolerant) and seems to be adjusting fairly well to that combined with breast milk.
What else? She is a super crawler and has even stood up a few times, has three teeth, says "hi", "bye" (not at the right times), "uh oh", and "mama"--but not to me. Oddly, her favorite word is sometimes "dada". She is trying on the "zaza" but isn't quite there. She is firmly in the stranger anxiety phase and can be clingy but is a really happy mellow kid still. The change to the "mobile" side of the room has been hard at daycare. If you are looking for daycare I would strongly encourage the selection of a daycare where the teacher moves with the kids or the kids stay with the same people as they grow.
Here is a picture of Quinn with her favorite great Aunt Kathy. For all of you who have asked Aunt Kathy is doing really well. The cancer was caught early and we have every hope that she will recover without the need for any more treatment.
Not only a great picture, but great news about "Aunt" Kathy! Hope that you are all well and up for the airplane, we'll try to keep Quinn's anxiety at strangers level low and even, we've invited about 240 people for an open house.
Love 'n hugs!
Danny had a horrific diaper rash that would NOT go away. It turned out that it was due to an allergy to baby wipes. SENSITIVE baby wipes!! What the heck?! So our cloth diapered baby now uses cloth wipes too. Makes sense, but disposable wipes were just too convienent. Now he is rash free. Whew! Just wanted to share. Hope allergy testing goes okay!
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