Friday, November 23, 2007

The Rising Cost of Sperm

So, we had planned out a fun relaxing trip to CA in January that would include picking up the sperm (from whatever donor we eventually decide on) and delivering it to the bank I used to work at (California Cryobank) for storage, visiting friends and revisiting all the places we love and miss in San Francisco. Then I checked the website for The Sperm Bank of California (where we are buying the sperm) last night and found good and bad news. Good news we don't have to be registered to buy the long profiles, medical charts, and staff impressions...this is good as our doctor is on maternity leave and we have to wait to get some of the information needed to register; Bad news is that the prices are going up $50 per vial as of the first of January which is kinda significant. We are now thinking that we should go in December over Solstice for the big buying and transferring extravaganza which is stressful but perhaps a precursor of the reality that not everything can be planned? Just as an FYI for all y'all not following the rising cost of sperm; a vial of IUI, Identity-Release sperm now goes for about $500 bucks; 2 per month and an average of 5 months to get do the math because I don't want to think about it! :)


Anonymous said...

Damn that's expensive!! I take for granted that my husbands sperm is free (however as I choose to keep it from impregnating me), and how much G&L couples have to sacrifice & plan for in order to have children. I wish you both the best as you embark upon your journey to become parents!
AL :)

jen said...

wow i seriously had no idea that it cost so much money to get pregnant. y'all putting out a donation jar? peeps get generous around the holidays... ;)

Unknown said...

I think you missed the opportunity to label this post the "Bull Sperm Market".

Sarah said...

Holy Shit!!! That is expensive, I think you had better come down now and not in January. Then we can see you before the holidays :)

Oh and great blog, I am finally getting a chance to check it out.