Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long about the link of a bell pepper and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.
It is really interesting to me how upset that people get when they find out that we are not going to find out the sex of the baby. I have had so many people tell me that they don't know what to get for the baby if they don't know the sex; like pink and blue are the only colors in the rainbow and it is imperative to buy gendered clothes and toys!!
New and exciting developments the last couple weeks include the fact that we "got" to pay $1200 to our lawyers so that Taylor can adopt her own child. I suppose I should be grateful that we live in a state that we can even do this but it still feels really insulting and frustrating. The process entails me signing a form that basically says that I give Taylor "permission" to make decisions about the baby if I am not able to make them. Also if something happened to me before the adoption was finalized it states it is my wish that it be finalized. We are resigned to it but it still pisses me off...we planned, conceived, and are going through this pregnancy and birth together but don't have the same rights as a married heterosexual couple if they conceived using donor sperm...rant, rant, rant! :)
On a happier note we may be buying a house! Big excitement. We keep hearing it is the best time to buy and apparently if we find something prior to 10/1 we could qualify for a great program that would help us...this is from the mortgage person we met with, we meet with the realtor our friend Ingrid picked for us on Friday. I am just excited to tour homes; mostly 'cause I am nosy and like to look around houses. I will keep you all updated on the search.
What I am most excited about is that I am supposed to be feeling the baby move in the next couple weeks! I can't wait; we should also be having another ultrasound around 20-22 weeks to measure the amniotic fluid, check position, growth, placenta etc. I hope to get some good pictures to post.
Much love,
I'm so exited for you both, although I'd love to see a picture of Megan with a tummy (you can email it to me if you don't want to post it :-) We found out the gender of Carmen and Cordelia before they were born, and waited with Calix. Either way was fun for different reasons, and although some people did complain about Calix we ended up getting tons of really cute yellow and green outfits. Besides if the baby turns out to be a girl she can wear boy stuff (just look at Cordie). I do draw the line on pretty dresses for boys, Calix just couldn't pull it off:-). Thanks for keeping us updated, I love reading your blogs even though I rarely keep in touch. It helps keep us connected to you guys.
We love you,
Ev, Brian, and the 3C's
We're so exited for you two. Thank you for keeping us updated, I love reading your blog and seeing what you guys are up to. We found out the sex of Carmen and Cordelia ahead of time, and waited with Calix. Both choices were fun for different reasons, and I never regretted them. Some people got annoyed about Calix but we still got tons of really cute yellow and green stuff. Besides if the baby is a girl she can wear boys clothing (just look at Cordie). I do draw the line at having Calix wear some of Carmen's stuff though because that girl really likes pink sparkly things and Calix just can't pull it off :-). I love your name choices and look forward to hearing what you choose in the end, although when you have it cemented with Taylor you might not want to let anyone know what it is until after the baby is born. This will cause tons of annoyance from everyone but it will be much easier on you guys since there is always going to be someone who won't like a name you choose and may make you change your mind. We had a hell of a time with Carmen and Calix, and because we waited, Cordelia's name was easier on us psychologically. Good luck with all the choices you are having to make, and above all have fun making them, even when they seem frustrating.
We love you,
Ev, Brian, and the 3C's
So exciting: a house, baby, and a check of legal BS! I love you and your blog. Please keep us all posted. Love from DC, Andy
Exciting times, indeed. As you know we found out Taylor's sex even though we told them that we didn't want to know! It didn't reduce the excitement of a new life, just the fun of waiting to find out that one fact. I think you are quite right in not wanting to know and don't understand those who think that it is somehow imperative to do so.
Hot, hot here in Boise; but, we had to use the gift certificate at Edward's nursery before it expired and David said he didn't mind digging holes so we bought two trees and three shrubs and David and Leah planted them all. Fortunately is forced us to take out one of the arbor vitaes \wink, wink/ [hate those silly things, next most boring plant to lawn grass that there is].
Can hardly wait for you to have a yard so I can start ordering you to plant thises and thats here and there and over yonder.
Love to you both;
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