(Disclaimer...most of these are bodily fluid/function related so if you can't deal I would recommend you stop reading)
1. My boobs would start producing 'stuff' in the first trimester which would necessitate cleaning and moisturizing the nipples on a regular basis. Weird.
2. Between bleeding and increased vaginal discharge I have worn a pad or pantyliner for the majority of this pregnancy. I thought that with the no period thing I would be free!!! But no.
3. Skin tags: icky little flaps of skin that increase on the neck and back region. Very normal but again, icky.
4. Constipation, thank goodness my bout was brief but I seriously thought I was dying.
5. That I would have that early bleeding but that all would be well.
6. That despite my general tendency to cry over sappy things, my strong desire for a child, and my extreme excitement to experience pregnancy that I would not feel overwhelmingly maternal or connected to the baby growing inside me. I love the idea of our child, really like being pregnant, and don't want anything to happen that would be negative but still don't feel extraordinarily loving towards my belly or the baby when it moves.
7. I expected mood swings and potentially crying but didn't expect that I would have a much shorter fuse and anger so quickly.
8. That my temperature would be higher (which is normal) or rather for me that my temperature would be like a normal persons as I run cold usually and I would have to learn how to regulate it.
9. That (knock on wood) it would be relatively easy pregnancy (thus far!). Taylor thought I would be vomiting all over the place (I'm usually a puker), which I didn't and our friend Ian kept saying that he thought I would be likely have problems, which I haven't...maybe he just meant I'm a whiner....which I am.
10. That it would alternatively move so fast and so slow at the same time...and that you can be terrified and ecstatic all at once.