January 2010 was not been the best month for the Doren family! Quinn had an ear infection with her first course of antibiotics, I had scarlet fever, and Taylor is a medical mystery and has had random and unexplained swelling with 4 trips to the emergency room and countless trips to the doctor but here are the things that are making February a better month:
1. Quinn is doing well (aside from the extreme stranger/separation anxiety)and is standing and starting to take steps while holding on to furniture. She had her 1 year check up yesterday and is hitting all of her milestones--we were told she is very verbal for her age and we should read lots and lots of books to her. She is in the 90th percentile for height, 45th for weight, and 70th for head circumference. She still loves to say hi to everyone, bye is said sometimes, uh oh is a favorite, mama but still not to me--although once the other day she seemed to say it to me and she said zaza to Taylor.
2. Taylor has found an allergist that has her on a new protocol. We are trying to determine if she has hereditary angioedema or if it is a different type of angioedema. It has been pretty scary and frustrating to not know what is going on and to have Taylor swell up like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...her lips, hands, and even an ear today! She sees the doctor in a month to see how her body responds to this treatment. It feels good to have a plan.
3. My mom is visiting and Taylor's mom will come later this month which fills our house with grandparent love!
4. Quinn has started a new daycare (on 2/3) and it is going really well. We loved the people at St. James but since Quinn weaned herself from breastfeeding last month (another reason why January was a little sad for me) we didn't need a location so close to my work. We had toured two local centers in November and in January got a spot with one and then the other (which we preferred) had an opening so we forfeited the deposit on the first and went with the second. Those of you who know us and our agnostic beliefs (as well as distrust of organized religion) will find it amusing that our daughter is now attending a Jewish school. It is amazing though, with a max of 8 kids in her class (usually fewer), a toddler dedicated playground, opportunities to use the community center facilities that the school is linked to, and it is $150 less per month! Wonderful :)
5. Quinn's new favorite thing is to talk to family on the webcam--she now yells hi anytime she sees the computer. I have posted a picture of Taylor and I from December that Quinn particularly likes for some reason.
Happy February everyone! I hope it is a great month for all.
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