Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quinn swings

So, we discovered in the last couple of weeks that Quinn really likes to swing. We hadn't tried putting her in one except for once when she was about 8 months old. She didn't like it at that point - and was actually kind of scared of it - but that is no longer the case as you can see for yourselves. There is a baby swing at the community center down the street from our house as well as one at the playground in the big park near us so we do have our choice of swings, it usually depends on how much energy Quinn's parents have in deciding to which one to walk.

Additionally, Quinn took her first two steps last Friday, though we think that she didn't realize she did so... she did realize that her parents are a little weird and enthusiastic though! She is much more secure in standing by herself and is doing so for longer periods of time (and more frequently) each day. She has taken a couple of small steps since Friday but nothing big like her first ones. We think that once she does, she'll pretty much just take off. We are impressed with her sense of body control and balance. Her speed crawling will pay off when it comes to her life-long coordination!


1 comment:

Adrien Paul Taylor said...

So nice to hear the giggles that go with the smiles!