Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It continues to be a stressful time for us but we are trying to keep calm. The emergency room had given me the name of an ob/gyn to make an appointment to follow up with. I called on Monday and made an appointment and called yesterday to ask questions about the appointment. I was told that they were planning on calling me to cancel anyway because I had made the mistake of saying that I was planning to see a midwife and they have a policy not to take new patients if they don't plan to stay with the practice for the whole pregnancy. I then was subjected to a few minutes of this nurse telling me how cool the practice is and how they are in the top 100 Portland doctors. I am not sure if this was to try and interest me in the staying...although I didn't feel welcomed...or to tell me how busy they were. I could have a scan at work but they can't follow my care so that was out. I pretty much broke down and called Taylor crying.

We had decided to go with Alma Midwifery that morning so Taylor called Laura, our midwife, to see if she would be able and willing to work with us. According to Taylor (and Laura) she was comfortable managing my care. She went ahead and scheduled me for another ultrasound on Friday and an appointment with her on Tuesday. I have to get my records from the emergency room and have them for the appointment on Friday for comparison. What we would like to see is the bleed shrinking and the baby growing. This does mean that I have a higher chance of bleeding and a second trimester miscarriage, something I don't really want to think about. I am taking some supplements to help with clotting and have worked a half day yesterday and today. I am not feeling great but the bleeding has slowed and is dark brown which is a good sign as it indicates old blood.

I will try and keep the site updated as we get new information. We are feeling a little reclusive so please don't be offended if we take a little while to get back to e-mails and calls...unless you want to bring us food and then we will probably answer the door!!! Taylor doesn't cook and I can't get off the couch so we are doing the take out, frozen food thing. Emotionally I think we both are dealing but having typical "why isn't the world fair" thoughts and are of course very worried about the baby. Think good thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts are with you! The first trimester is always the scariest and with as much as you know, and as hard as you worked everything will seem a bigger deal than some women. Remember, there are women at this stage in your pregnancy that don't even know they are pregnant...they make it through fine. Since you are taking extra care of yourself you have an advantage. Do things right, keep your thoughts toward the future and be good to your body. That is all you can do. The rest is in the hands of a higher universal power. Love to you both.
Kandi and Leigh Ann

Anonymous said...

This all sounds so scary Megan, I'm thinking of you, Taylor, and the baby. I really don't have any good advice because I'm sure I can't imagine the feelings you are having. Just know that you're in my (and many others') thoughts. Big hug, April