Friday, March 7, 2008

It's in the mail...

I heard from our fabulous friend Cindy at California Cryobank (where I used to work) that according to her "the kids have left the building". She gave the sperm a pep talk and me a calming talk and they are on their way. I do have the tracking number (because Cindy is fully aware of my anxiety issues...even knowing that she gave me her cell number again) so I can obsessively watch them make their way to Oregon tomorrow....currently they have left Menlo Park, CA about an hour ago. Think happy thoughts for a safe journey.

The tank will be coming to Salem as we are staying with our family this weekend. I am going to a class with my cousin, Jessica and Taylor will hang out at the house with our nieces and their dad. Seeing Brinsley and Brooklynn and what great parents Jessica and Travis are, always reinforces our decision to parent.

I promise more updates as they occur!


Anonymous said...


Glad you resent the link - I enjoyed catching up.

Y'all gonna make amazing parents - I am wicked wicked excited for ya.


Anonymous said...

Hey Megan & Taylor,

Thank you for sending the link, I have been thinking of you two lately.

Good Luck and here is wishing you get pregnant on the first try! You both are going to make most excellent parents.

Severn, MD