Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Attempt #2

My plan was to start blogging yesterday on Day 14 (which was yesterday) but given that I went to a work presentation and didn't get home until after nine, that didn't happen. It also just wasn't a good day in general and both Taylor and I had underestimated the stress we have been under the last couple weeks; the disappointment about the last attempt, Papa's surgery, stress about attempt #2, and general work/life stress...we, of course, took our stress out on each other. I took two ovulation tests yesterday which were negative (not surprising as I have not ovulated on Day 14 in the time I have been tracking my cycle) and had an acupuncture appointment which was so relaxing.

I credit the acupuncture because I had a negative test this morning (ignoring the fact that I am not really supposed to test the first morning urine) but a positive test with the midday test. I tested again this afternoon and it was negative but I think that was because I didn't wait enough time (usually a couple hours) without peeing so that the hormone could build up b/c it was negative at 5, I will probably test again tonight. Our doctor came over (part of the stress yesterday was deciding if we should use the tenaculum and uterine sound...if you remember neither felt great...for this attempt) and this time she was able to get into the uterus!!! Not sure if it was the new cannula that I brought home or if she did use the sound (we forgot to ask...although it was quite uncomfy it was not as bad a last time). We plan to do a second insemination tomorrow morning, I will be sure to ask if we did the sound yesterday. Then we both go to work and the wait begins!! Thanks for all of your support. :)

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