Monday, December 29, 2008
Come out baby!
We had a midwife appointment today (I was so happy to get out of the house!!) that went really well. I am 2-3 centimeters dilated and still 50%+ effaced with a very soft cervix. This is very good, in case clarification is needed, although it doesn't mean very much...I could have the baby tonight or next week! Please, please let it be before next week. I am pretty big and pretty uncomfortable although I am not as anxious as Taylor is...she is VERY ready for the baby to come, especially as she is on family leave starting this week. The baby has dropped down really well although not in the optimal position; I am to spend some time on all fours (no comments needed) to try and get it to flip around. Unfortunately, my acupuncturist is out of town until Monday...damn her for having a life as that could speed it along. I will be stalking her if this baby is still inside on Monday. Our main midwife is also out of town but we have two others and a back up midwife (to complete the team of 3 midwives) that we feel really comfortable with. We are finishing up some home improvement/nursery tasks and catching up on dinners with friends until the baby comes to keep ourselves busy this week!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Hi All,
Just to let everyone know who cares... Megan is still pregnant - 39 weeks today! All of the snow has melted and I was able to get the car out of the driveway today!! We have been giving the baby pep-talks telling it that it is now safe for it to be born; we know it has been listening and hope it understands what that means. Megan has had a rough day today dealing with some severe headaches and other migraine symptoms - she had been looking forward to getting out of the house today, but just couldn't make it. Tomorrow we have an appointment with the midwives which will definitely get her out of the house.
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon.
(Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
Just to let everyone know who cares... Megan is still pregnant - 39 weeks today! All of the snow has melted and I was able to get the car out of the driveway today!! We have been giving the baby pep-talks telling it that it is now safe for it to be born; we know it has been listening and hope it understands what that means. Megan has had a rough day today dealing with some severe headaches and other migraine symptoms - she had been looking forward to getting out of the house today, but just couldn't make it. Tomorrow we have an appointment with the midwives which will definitely get her out of the house.
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Ok, so here is a picture I took of our car yesterday right around the time Megan thought she was going into labor (she didn't).
We are proud to report that we have had the 3rd snowiest December (as recorded at the Portland Airport) in weather-recorded history - not to worry... we're super close to setting the record for the 2nd snowiest December and are expected to reach that later today.
And here is a picture I took this morning right around the time Megan thought she was going into labor (she didn't).
One can only imagine how much snow the car will be under when she actually does go into labor. Join us in hoping there won't be any snow by that point.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
We think the baby has dropped a little
Monday, December 15, 2008
37 we go
Hi all,
I am officially 37 weeks as of yesterday! That means that anytime between now and 42 weeks we are ready for baby (theoretically). Although Taylor keeps chanting December 30th to the baby. We are having some crazy weather...crazy for Oregon as we have snow and ice and I couldn't make it to work today. We went to the holiday party for my company on Saturday at the Governor Hotel and got a room for the night. Since we didn't have a chance to go anywhere before the baby comes we thought it would be a fun treat. It was really nice (Taylor had 7 drinks)...both the room and the party. Fabulous food, a magician, great people, and great people telling me how wonderful I look. This was probably a lie but I think wearing black helped me look less gigantic. Also, I had nudie pregnant pictures taken earlier in the day so I was feeling kinda pretty. Yesterday morning we were lucky in that we got one of the last buses out of downtown Portland before our route was turned back. We had to hike home but had fun doing it. We also had the car seat installed by a semi nice police officer at a car seat clinic (highly recommend this) so we felt very productive.
My prenatal visit last Thursday went well; the baby is head down and I am 50% effaced which means that the menstrual like cramps that I have from 2 a.m. on are actually doing some good. The big fear now is that I will go into labor and we will not be able to get anywhere due to weather. We expect more snow later this week. Think happy thoughts that the baby can wait.
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
I am officially 37 weeks as of yesterday! That means that anytime between now and 42 weeks we are ready for baby (theoretically). Although Taylor keeps chanting December 30th to the baby. We are having some crazy weather...crazy for Oregon as we have snow and ice and I couldn't make it to work today. We went to the holiday party for my company on Saturday at the Governor Hotel and got a room for the night. Since we didn't have a chance to go anywhere before the baby comes we thought it would be a fun treat. It was really nice (Taylor had 7 drinks)...both the room and the party. Fabulous food, a magician, great people, and great people telling me how wonderful I look. This was probably a lie but I think wearing black helped me look less gigantic. Also, I had nudie pregnant pictures taken earlier in the day so I was feeling kinda pretty. Yesterday morning we were lucky in that we got one of the last buses out of downtown Portland before our route was turned back. We had to hike home but had fun doing it. We also had the car seat installed by a semi nice police officer at a car seat clinic (highly recommend this) so we felt very productive.
My prenatal visit last Thursday went well; the baby is head down and I am 50% effaced which means that the menstrual like cramps that I have from 2 a.m. on are actually doing some good. The big fear now is that I will go into labor and we will not be able to get anywhere due to weather. We expect more snow later this week. Think happy thoughts that the baby can wait.
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Monday, December 8, 2008
36 weeks and counting
Sorry for the delay in posting, life got crazy again and I am assured it will continue to do so. We finished our childbirth classes last week (we took a 5 week Hypnobirthing class, a 4 week general overview class taught by our doula, and two seminars; one on postpartum care and one on natural pain coping techniques). We also finished the Intro the Queer Studies class that we have been teaching although we still have a lot of grading to do. It was a really meaningful experience but I am glad that we have more free time now as I am huge.
We had THREE baby showers last week. The first one was at lunch on Wednesday and was arranged by the wonderful Pam (Taylor's coworker/friend/mentor/boss/and wife of the soup god Jeff) at Taylor's work. Of course I got a semi migraine (it didn't progress thank goodness) 20 minutes before but managed with Taylor's help, some hydration and Tylenol (and soup that Jeff made) to pull it together for the shower. We played actual fun games and her co-workers (a lot of guys that work with computers) were really good sports. We also got some really great gifts and I FINALLY got to see Taylor's cubicle after 2.5 years of her working there. I then got another headache and after seeing a second cubicle at another building and I had to nap in the car and be taken home early....just in time for shower #2. My co-workers (specifically Courtney, Judy, and Heather) had an evening shower that was really lovely. No games (per my request), a ton of gifts, and just a mellow time with snacks and talking.
We had our big friends/family shower on Saturday (this was arranged by a "shower committee" of Ingrid, Hillary, Jessica, and Mandy) at the local community center. It was exactly what we wanted, a really casual gathering of friends and family creating a really supportive atmosphere to welcome our baby. The food was fabulous there were activities for the kids, for the adults, music, great decorations. We did have to open presents in front of people but we did it together and it wasn't quite so intimidating. Our inseminating naturopath Dr. Annie Hanaway dropped by and got a round of applause (definitely deserved). Although it was odd to see people from very different aspects of our lives interacting it was amazing to feel the excitement and love that our family is lucky to have. As an added bonus Taylor's mama was able to be there which made it even more special. My mom sent a delegate (our family friend Christie) so I would have a mom too! Thanks to all of you who were there and those of you who were sending your love and good wishes but couldn't attend. We have pretty much everything we need although there are still a few things on the list.
This Sunday I will be 37 weeks which is technically full term so wish us luck! Also, someone text messaged me as I hadn't posted on the blog and they wanted to know if we had had the baby...nope but there was no name/number so I have no idea who you are!!! Call/e-mail/or text with name so we can chat.
I am feeling gigantic, slow, and tired. The ligaments in your pelvic area open up during pregnancy so your legs feel disconnected from your body which is odd, you don't really sleep much, and I continue to have practice "surges" and low cramping off and on. Our prenatal visit was cancelled last week due to our main midwife being sick so I am extra excited for this weeks visit. Still feeling pretty good though despite all the discomfort and am hopeful the baby can hold out for at least another two weeks!
We had THREE baby showers last week. The first one was at lunch on Wednesday and was arranged by the wonderful Pam (Taylor's coworker/friend/mentor/boss/and wife of the soup god Jeff) at Taylor's work. Of course I got a semi migraine (it didn't progress thank goodness) 20 minutes before but managed with Taylor's help, some hydration and Tylenol (and soup that Jeff made) to pull it together for the shower. We played actual fun games and her co-workers (a lot of guys that work with computers) were really good sports. We also got some really great gifts and I FINALLY got to see Taylor's cubicle after 2.5 years of her working there. I then got another headache and after seeing a second cubicle at another building and I had to nap in the car and be taken home early....just in time for shower #2. My co-workers (specifically Courtney, Judy, and Heather) had an evening shower that was really lovely. No games (per my request), a ton of gifts, and just a mellow time with snacks and talking.
We had our big friends/family shower on Saturday (this was arranged by a "shower committee" of Ingrid, Hillary, Jessica, and Mandy) at the local community center. It was exactly what we wanted, a really casual gathering of friends and family creating a really supportive atmosphere to welcome our baby. The food was fabulous there were activities for the kids, for the adults, music, great decorations. We did have to open presents in front of people but we did it together and it wasn't quite so intimidating. Our inseminating naturopath Dr. Annie Hanaway dropped by and got a round of applause (definitely deserved). Although it was odd to see people from very different aspects of our lives interacting it was amazing to feel the excitement and love that our family is lucky to have. As an added bonus Taylor's mama was able to be there which made it even more special. My mom sent a delegate (our family friend Christie) so I would have a mom too! Thanks to all of you who were there and those of you who were sending your love and good wishes but couldn't attend. We have pretty much everything we need although there are still a few things on the list.
This Sunday I will be 37 weeks which is technically full term so wish us luck! Also, someone text messaged me as I hadn't posted on the blog and they wanted to know if we had had the baby...nope but there was no name/number so I have no idea who you are!!! Call/e-mail/or text with name so we can chat.
I am feeling gigantic, slow, and tired. The ligaments in your pelvic area open up during pregnancy so your legs feel disconnected from your body which is odd, you don't really sleep much, and I continue to have practice "surges" and low cramping off and on. Our prenatal visit was cancelled last week due to our main midwife being sick so I am extra excited for this weeks visit. Still feeling pretty good though despite all the discomfort and am hopeful the baby can hold out for at least another two weeks!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Week 34

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which she'll need to regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
10 things I wish I had known in advance about my pregnancy
(Disclaimer...most of these are bodily fluid/function related so if you can't deal I would recommend you stop reading)
1. My boobs would start producing 'stuff' in the first trimester which would necessitate cleaning and moisturizing the nipples on a regular basis. Weird.
2. Between bleeding and increased vaginal discharge I have worn a pad or pantyliner for the majority of this pregnancy. I thought that with the no period thing I would be free!!! But no.
3. Skin tags: icky little flaps of skin that increase on the neck and back region. Very normal but again, icky.
4. Constipation, thank goodness my bout was brief but I seriously thought I was dying.
5. That I would have that early bleeding but that all would be well.
6. That despite my general tendency to cry over sappy things, my strong desire for a child, and my extreme excitement to experience pregnancy that I would not feel overwhelmingly maternal or connected to the baby growing inside me. I love the idea of our child, really like being pregnant, and don't want anything to happen that would be negative but still don't feel extraordinarily loving towards my belly or the baby when it moves.
7. I expected mood swings and potentially crying but didn't expect that I would have a much shorter fuse and anger so quickly.
8. That my temperature would be higher (which is normal) or rather for me that my temperature would be like a normal persons as I run cold usually and I would have to learn how to regulate it.
9. That (knock on wood) it would be relatively easy pregnancy (thus far!). Taylor thought I would be vomiting all over the place (I'm usually a puker), which I didn't and our friend Ian kept saying that he thought I would be likely have problems, which I haven't...maybe he just meant I'm a whiner....which I am.
10. That it would alternatively move so fast and so slow at the same time...and that you can be terrified and ecstatic all at once.
1. My boobs would start producing 'stuff' in the first trimester which would necessitate cleaning and moisturizing the nipples on a regular basis. Weird.
2. Between bleeding and increased vaginal discharge I have worn a pad or pantyliner for the majority of this pregnancy. I thought that with the no period thing I would be free!!! But no.
3. Skin tags: icky little flaps of skin that increase on the neck and back region. Very normal but again, icky.
4. Constipation, thank goodness my bout was brief but I seriously thought I was dying.
5. That I would have that early bleeding but that all would be well.
6. That despite my general tendency to cry over sappy things, my strong desire for a child, and my extreme excitement to experience pregnancy that I would not feel overwhelmingly maternal or connected to the baby growing inside me. I love the idea of our child, really like being pregnant, and don't want anything to happen that would be negative but still don't feel extraordinarily loving towards my belly or the baby when it moves.
7. I expected mood swings and potentially crying but didn't expect that I would have a much shorter fuse and anger so quickly.
8. That my temperature would be higher (which is normal) or rather for me that my temperature would be like a normal persons as I run cold usually and I would have to learn how to regulate it.
9. That (knock on wood) it would be relatively easy pregnancy (thus far!). Taylor thought I would be vomiting all over the place (I'm usually a puker), which I didn't and our friend Ian kept saying that he thought I would be likely have problems, which I haven't...maybe he just meant I'm a whiner....which I am.
10. That it would alternatively move so fast and so slow at the same time...and that you can be terrified and ecstatic all at once.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Heart

Here is the newest (and last) picture of the baby inside. Taylor thinks the lips are gigantic! We had an ultrasound to make sure the echogenic foci thing had gone away and it had. :) So the heart and the rest of the baby looks great. They estimated the weight to be 4 lbs 3oz or so which is right on schedule (apparently it is a pineapple this week). Fetal movement is good...the baby moves a lot and loves to stick an appendage (I am guessing foot) in my right lung/rib area so that I have to shove it back down in order to breathe. I had an on again off again backache last week but the chiropractor helped (she is fabulous; Dr. Michelle Gerbi--she practices at Zenana Spa and I highly recommend her. She specializes in pregnant mama's). Taking walks and the massage I got at our prenatal visit on Friday also helped.
The prenatal went well although I was acting like a grumpy 4 year old...if I do not eat on time lately I completely emotionally shut down...not a pretty sight. I am starting to think about when to end my time at work and am filling out the required paperwork. I have to discuss it with my boss but should have that planned out soon. The next prenatal visit they come to the house (we have to make sure that we have our "bags" packed and ready for inspection--a bag for us/me and the baby for when we got to the birth center). We are excited because Taylor's mother will be able to be here for that visit.
We are getting to the end of the Intro to Queer Studies class we are teaching which is good as I am exhausted by the end of the night (3 hours one night a week) but sad because I think we will miss the students who are great and can be inspiring with their energy. I am really glad we did this even though it was not part of the pregnancy plan.
We have 5-7+ weeks to go and we are trying not to panic as we still have the house to finish unpacking/setting up. We made some progress this weekend and I hope that continues. All the boxes are gone now it just needs to be arranged. Sigh. Wish us luck! Also, thanks to all of you who went to the rallies all over the country to support marriage equality and protest the passing of proposition 8 in CA. We weren't able to make it to the one here but some of you called or sent pictures of your city/states rally and we were really excited to see the energy around this.
Much love,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Megan and I will celebrate our 8 year anniversary next week. For those of you who have politics on your mind - you might recognize that as being the exact length of time Bush has been 'president'. I pointed out that if we were able to survive as a couple during these dark times, than we can survive as a couple anytime.
We are certainly entering into a new era - both as a nation and in our personal lives. I am only too happy to realize that our baby will be born in such a momentous, historical, and hopeful time.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Week 30

Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
More discrimination fun
We had a really hard day on Friday. The baby is fine...not to worry, it is moving all over the place and bouncing itself off my internal organs...we have had several more people insist that it is a girl from how I am carrying.
The depressing situation was this: currently, I am doubly insured through my work and through Taylor's work (although we are taxed on this through Taylor's work as there is no federal tax code for our relationship). We are lucky that the State of Oregon allows me to be insured as a domestic partner as many employers do not have this as an option. We thought we were being proactive and have been putting the maximum we could for the pregnancy and childbirth into a flexible spending account (FSA) (for those not in the know this takes money out of Taylor's paycheck pre-tax and we can submit claims on it to use towards health related expenses). The maximum amount you can have in a FSA is $5,000. We have submitted two rounds of claims for reimbursement. We got a denial letter on Friday that stated that our most recent claim is denied because this money cannot be used for me at all...apparently we didn't read the fine print (yes, we feel stupid) and as the flexible spending program follows federal regulations. Because we are not recognized as family by the federal government we basically lose most of that money, unless Taylor somehow manages to spend $5,000 on out-of-pocket medical expenses. To make matters even worse, I pointed out that they had covered me in a previous claim, hence my confusion and they said this was a mistake on their part and they would be needing that money back.
I spoke to a whole bunch of people at flexible spending and with the state and we will be writing a letter asking the state to make these circumstances more clear for those in our type of situation. I had a mini crying breakdown at work and I think my boss and my co-workers were happy to see me go home a little early. The whole thing is just reinforcing the importance that our families are recognized legally. Unfortunately, neither of the current presidential candidates support same sex marriage but we can hope for the future! FYI this is not to say that we are not voting for Obama because of course we are but we are certainly not happy with his stance on this issue.
The depressing situation was this: currently, I am doubly insured through my work and through Taylor's work (although we are taxed on this through Taylor's work as there is no federal tax code for our relationship). We are lucky that the State of Oregon allows me to be insured as a domestic partner as many employers do not have this as an option. We thought we were being proactive and have been putting the maximum we could for the pregnancy and childbirth into a flexible spending account (FSA) (for those not in the know this takes money out of Taylor's paycheck pre-tax and we can submit claims on it to use towards health related expenses). The maximum amount you can have in a FSA is $5,000. We have submitted two rounds of claims for reimbursement. We got a denial letter on Friday that stated that our most recent claim is denied because this money cannot be used for me at all...apparently we didn't read the fine print (yes, we feel stupid) and as the flexible spending program follows federal regulations. Because we are not recognized as family by the federal government we basically lose most of that money, unless Taylor somehow manages to spend $5,000 on out-of-pocket medical expenses. To make matters even worse, I pointed out that they had covered me in a previous claim, hence my confusion and they said this was a mistake on their part and they would be needing that money back.
I spoke to a whole bunch of people at flexible spending and with the state and we will be writing a letter asking the state to make these circumstances more clear for those in our type of situation. I had a mini crying breakdown at work and I think my boss and my co-workers were happy to see me go home a little early. The whole thing is just reinforcing the importance that our families are recognized legally. Unfortunately, neither of the current presidential candidates support same sex marriage but we can hope for the future! FYI this is not to say that we are not voting for Obama because of course we are but we are certainly not happy with his stance on this issue.
Monday, October 20, 2008
29 weeks

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Comparison picture - 7 months
Here is a picture I took of Megan tonight. It's kind of blurry, but shows the belly well. It has gotten to the point where we can see the baby move from the outside. It is both a very cool and very creepy thing to see. We have made some significant progress in our unpacking mission, but it has been interrupted at times in order to put together some important Ikea purchases. Our hypnobirthing class is very interesting and we have been trying to practice the breathing exercises. Megan tends to fall asleep every time we practice so with any luck she'll continue the habit during labor if necessary. I might take another picture next month, but I can't make any promises.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Belated Thank you and Congratulations!
I forgot to thank Uncle Leonard, Ingrid, Dennis, Hillary, Ian, and Jude for helping us move!! And congratulations to Jill and Sarah on their pregnancies. :)
We're Back!

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
Things we have been up to:
1. Not unpacking. The house is a disaster zone but we love having a house! Maybe someday we can get rid of all the boxes.
2. We hired a doula (labor support person) after doing a couple interviews. We really felt that this was important even though we have a great midwifery team. Specifically, we wanted someone that could help Taylor support me and we feel like we picked a great person. Her name is Stacey and we will also be taking a childbirth prep class with her.
3. I had a fabulous gestational diabetes test, instead of having to drink some nasty drink I had a finger poke and was instructed to go eat waffles and syrup and protein and walk for a half hour and then get poked see how I metabolize real food. Apparently, I do just fine as the test was a success...and the cornmeal Belgian waffle was so so good.
4. I am officially in my third trimester, I will feel better after this week is over since I had that whole "higher risk of miscarriage" in the second trimester due to the bleeding in early pregnancy. The baby is moving all about and Taylor plans to take a picture of the belly this weekend so you can all see the growth, and there is a lot. Basically, I don't fit into anything anymore. The pregnancy stores tell you to buy your pre-pregnancy size which is a bunch of crap considering my breasts are three times their pre-pregnancy size!!! Clothes are not easy to find and I have resorted to shoe looking slippers for comfort and to support my poofy feet.
5. We started a hypnobirthing class last week and it is really interesting. Taylor managed to keep the horror on her face to a minimum when watching the birthing videos and I think it will be a good class. It is odd to be the only same sex couple and even though the instructor is sensitive it feels a little exclusionary at times. I just did a guest lecture for culturally competent care for LGBT clients for the midwifery school so maybe I am just hypersensitive. :)
Back to prepping for the class we are teaching!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Gifts are optional!
So I feel mildly guilty and greedy for posting this but people have been asking so there you go. On the left side of the blog is the list of gift ideas/registries. We did cave to peer pressure (mostly co-workers as both of our works are throwing baby showers for us) and registered at Target and Babies R Us. Again, we are much more interested in your good wishes, homemade gifts, used gender neutral clothing w/no cartoon characters! and anyone who wants to come over after the baby is born and clean the kitchen or feed us gets major points. :) But if you can't come over and are more into gift certificates we have links to the diaper service that we will use (as there is only one) and a fabulous personal chef service. I am especially excited about that because if you know us you know Taylor avoids the kitchen like the plague and I am not that fond of cooking either. I e-mailed the chef to make sure she is queer friendly and she seems great so feel free to get gift certificates from her!
In other happenings, I would like to thank Amelia, Mandy, Melissa, Sarah, and Travis for helping Taylor paint this weekend (and Jessica, Brinsley, and Brooklynn for keeping me entertained). I think there are some painting touch ups needed in the bathroom and kitchen and then we are done! We hope to move the heavy furniture this Sunday 9/28, so again if you are around and available let us know.
Have we mentioned that we are co-teaching an Intro to Queer Studies class? I think it is going well but it does make me appreciate the support our family feels from all of you! :)
In other happenings, I would like to thank Amelia, Mandy, Melissa, Sarah, and Travis for helping Taylor paint this weekend (and Jessica, Brinsley, and Brooklynn for keeping me entertained). I think there are some painting touch ups needed in the bathroom and kitchen and then we are done! We hope to move the heavy furniture this Sunday 9/28, so again if you are around and available let us know.
Have we mentioned that we are co-teaching an Intro to Queer Studies class? I think it is going well but it does make me appreciate the support our family feels from all of you! :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
Thus concludes the week of Taylor yelling "baby corn!" at my belly!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Moving Corn

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
I definitely am feeling a lot of movement starting a couple weeks ago, Taylor has even felt it three times but has to wait for the baby to be really active and sit there with her hand on my belly for awhile. I believe she described it as "cool and creepy". I would say I think about the same, I am loving feeling the movement but it is a little creepy to have something you know is separate from you moving inside your body! I am really enjoying being pregnant though. I am taking a pregnancy yoga class and we are starting a hypnobirthing class in October, I think we will end up taking two childbirth classes but haven't decided on what the other one will be yet.
The 22 week ultrasound was fine although they did see an echogenic foci. I have copied the wikipedia definition of that here.Echogenic intracardiac focus (EIF) is a small bright spot seen in the baby’s heart on an ultrasound exam. This is thought to represent mineralization, or small deposits of calcium, in the muscle of the heart. EIFs are found in about 3-5% of normal pregnancies and cause no health problems. EIFs themselves have no impact on health or heart function. Often the EIF is gone by the third trimester. If there are no problems or chromosome abnormalities, EIFs are considered normal changes, or variants.
We have no other risk factors and may have another ultrasound later in the pregnancy but after talking to a number of people we feel really confident that everything is as it should be.
Our prenatal appointment last week was good with my uterus measuring as it should and my blood pressure was good (I had a little ankle swelling but not much yet). I also got a 20 minute leg massage....gotta love midwives! :)
House News!

Hi all,
Sorry for the lack of post...everything is fine with the baby we have just been busy. I think I am going to start making small posts so that at least something is updated and I don't avoid posting because I feel it has to be a long analysis of what we are up to!!
We bought a house! It sounds odd but it was rather unplanned and if you had asked us 2-3 months ago we would have told you we had no plans to buy. We are slowly moving in and Taylor will be painting this Saturday 9/20 if anyone is in the area and wants to help out. Feel free to give her a call. :) It is a tiny dollhouse with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath but a great open feeling and really nice backyard. It is also in the same neighborhood we are in now which we love and only needs some cosmetic stuff (mainly painting) and is move in ready.
Wish us luck and please let us know if you want to stop by to see it. :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Halfway there!

Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).
I promised a picture so here you go!! You will just have to imagine the banana. This week the e-mail update tried to tell me that I have gained about 10 lbs....HA HA HA...bastards...I'm sure that they meant 10 lbs in just my boobs b/c that would be a little more accurate.
We are well on our way to owning our own home. We had an inspection of the house last Thursday and it went really well, we are just waiting for the mortgage appraisal..and then I assume there is more paper signing. Good times! We also had a prenatal appointment on Thursday which was good; the heartbeat was strong and we are having an ultrasound next week to check amniotic fluid, position, etc. and yes, we are holding firm to our decision to NOT find out the sex.
I think I might have felt the baby move this weekend but am not 100% is low in the uterus and apparently the sharp pains that shoot through my vagina are the result of it hitting my nerve endings...but in addition to that funness I really think I might have felt it move. It is supposed to feel like bubbles, popcorn, butterfly wings or gas (or all of the above) or so people tell me. So I felt it move or I had more gas brewing...side benefit of pregnancy is that it is hard to know the difference! Not to downplay our excitement about feeling the little one b/c you know we are ecstatic. More updates as they come...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Spontaneous or Crazy?

Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, taking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom --about the size of a heirloom tomato. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.
Never let it be said that we aren't spontaneous. In direct violation of our midwife's suggestion to reduce stress (sorry Laura!) we have decided in the span of two weeks to buy a house. Two weeks ago we had dinner with Taylor's friend and collegue, Pam and her fabulous husband Jeff who were very convincing about the idea of purchasign a home in the current market. One week later we met with their mortgage person, Dianne just to discuss what that might look like for us and since there was a program we qualified for that closes 10/1 we thought that we would look at a couple places. We went to one open house that weekend and confirmed that we needed guidance. Our friend Ingrid hooked us up with our great realtor (who we totally recommend) Bonnie and we all (Ingrid included!) went to see a few places on Friday. We found a house that we absolutely love and put an offer in on Saturday, it was accepted on Sunday, and we have an inspection scheduled on Thursday. We will see what happens but we are optimistic. Okay, really we are just terrified and stressed about money but we are trying to think long term and enjoy the idea of our own home; for us and the baby.
I still haven't felt the baby move but have been having a lot of ligament pain as my uterus gets bigger. I have more of a tummy now but it is still not completely obvious I am pregnant. However, that doesn't stop everyone from work guessing...the guess seems to be a girl since I am not carrying in front but around...this is a nice way to say that my ass is expanding. We still like Embry for a name but are open to suggestions. :)
Monday, August 4, 2008
The bell pepper, the law, and real estate...

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long about the link of a bell pepper and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.
It is really interesting to me how upset that people get when they find out that we are not going to find out the sex of the baby. I have had so many people tell me that they don't know what to get for the baby if they don't know the sex; like pink and blue are the only colors in the rainbow and it is imperative to buy gendered clothes and toys!!
New and exciting developments the last couple weeks include the fact that we "got" to pay $1200 to our lawyers so that Taylor can adopt her own child. I suppose I should be grateful that we live in a state that we can even do this but it still feels really insulting and frustrating. The process entails me signing a form that basically says that I give Taylor "permission" to make decisions about the baby if I am not able to make them. Also if something happened to me before the adoption was finalized it states it is my wish that it be finalized. We are resigned to it but it still pisses me off...we planned, conceived, and are going through this pregnancy and birth together but don't have the same rights as a married heterosexual couple if they conceived using donor sperm...rant, rant, rant! :)
On a happier note we may be buying a house! Big excitement. We keep hearing it is the best time to buy and apparently if we find something prior to 10/1 we could qualify for a great program that would help us...this is from the mortgage person we met with, we meet with the realtor our friend Ingrid picked for us on Friday. I am just excited to tour homes; mostly 'cause I am nosy and like to look around houses. I will keep you all updated on the search.
What I am most excited about is that I am supposed to be feeling the baby move in the next couple weeks! I can't wait; we should also be having another ultrasound around 20-22 weeks to measure the amniotic fluid, check position, growth, placenta etc. I hope to get some good pictures to post.
Much love,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tale of a Turnip and Two Daycares

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop. YAY! The baby is working up a sweat. We are trying not to or at least not sweat and worry over inconsequential stuff. I had a major (hormonally helped) melt down this weekend stressing about all the things going on in our lives but feel much better now...crying can be cathartic.
Some of you have been writing to ask about the daycare's that we were looking at, wanting more details so here you go: There don't seem to be a lot of places that offer infant care but we were looking specifically at something that would be easy for me to get the baby to on public transportation. Fruit and Flower is about five blocks from work (although not on the public transportation route so it would take a little bit of walking). It is very structured, very cute, with a impressive outdoor area for an urban school. The draw backs are that the waiting list is really long and it does not have a flexible schedule; you are either full time or 1/2 days. We went on a tour with with 4 other couples/individuals (very upper class, very professional yuppie...we felt a little out of place although it was amusing to watch one of the men try to figure out what Taylor was in terms of gender!) . We put ourselves on the wait list. The second daycare, St. James we thought would just be a back up. One of the embryologists and one of the physicians have their children there and really like it. We really ended up liking it a lot. We had a private tour and although it wasn't as pretty, it seemed to be a really loving environment with a great flexible schedule...and yes, we were very clear that no doctrine is taught it is just housed in the church. So we have a deposit down for a spot in April. We will just see what happens. St. James is on the streetcar line and it takes about 10 minutes for me to get there from work.
The thought of daycare just stresses me out too...what doesn't lately! But at least there are some options.
Also...we are still trying to think of name options that are gender neutral. We originally thought Greer (but given Taylor's difficulty saying it and that it rhymes with queer we got rid of it). We have Drew (after our fabulous friend Andy), Rowen, Avery, and Emerson on the list. In the last week we were talking about Grayson, Graden, Greeley, Emry, Embry...any thoughts?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Week of the Avocado

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length . Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too.
We have been super busy touring day care centers...we are on the wait list for one and I think have a spot secured at the other...for April! It is insane. We also went to the lawyer again to fork over $1200 for the adoption of our own baby...yeah.
We are also major stressballs and have too many things going on. I am hoping to wrestle the computer away from Taylor this weekend and give a more comprehensive update...I know you are all dying to know about how I can't sneeze without wetting myself. :)
Love to all,
Monday, July 7, 2008
Lemons and Life

Hi all,
Quick update on where we are with life:
1. The nuchal translucency went well and the measurement of the nuchal fold is under 2 which we were assured was good. We are waiting for blood results this week.
2. We drove to Boise to see Mama, Papa, Leah, and David over 4th of July weekend and had a fabulous time...okay the visiting part was fabulous and not so much the road trip but that wasn't that bad either although I did frequent a lot of rest stops!
3. I am officially in the second trimester!!!!!!! I can't tell you how relieved that makes us. The baby is the size of a lemon and is producing bile and urine this week...yeah I was disgusted but excited too. Also it is working on making facial expressions (Papa pointed out that this is probably because it is peeing) and should be moving all around. I won't feel that for a little while yet but I am excited for it.
4. We have a prenatal appointment on Thursday and a tour of a daycare center on Friday (again, you have to get on the list now for care in ridiculous is that?).
5. I am continuing to get my energy back and food is not so much an issue anymore as evidenced by the box of macaroni and cheese I ate for dinner. Hey, it was organic and I ate some veggies too!
Off to get ready for an early bedtime.
Much love,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
ultrasound picture
Here is a scan of one of the best pictures we got from the ultrasound we did around the beginning week 10. The fetus is at the top of the area that looks like a distorted black oval (the uterus). It is on its back with the head on the right. You can see tiny arms and legs in this picture. It was moving around quite a bit which was great fun to see.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Prenatal #2
We had our second prenatal appointment on Thursday and it went really well. We got to hear the heartbeat again, it was 160 again which is great. I also got a lovely massage and we met Stephanie (the 3rd member of our birth team) who I knew from Birthingway. I am really excited about the team and feel really confident and comfortable about our care. We have our genetic screening blood work and ultrasound (nuchal translucency) scheduled for next Friday.
My boobs continue to expand at an alarming rate (did I mention the size H bra?) but I am trying be calm about it...sometimes hard when you see people after a couple weeks and they stare in fascinated horror at your chest (yes, M and M I am talking about you). I still am feeling tired but a little better and I have a little poochy tummy now...yes, I know we need to post a picture.
My mother is stopping by on her way to move to Kansas which is sad because I would have liked having her here for the pregnancy (not the birth!). So I am off to enjoy time with her while she is here!
My boobs continue to expand at an alarming rate (did I mention the size H bra?) but I am trying be calm about it...sometimes hard when you see people after a couple weeks and they stare in fascinated horror at your chest (yes, M and M I am talking about you). I still am feeling tired but a little better and I have a little poochy tummy now...yes, I know we need to post a picture.
My mother is stopping by on her way to move to Kansas which is sad because I would have liked having her here for the pregnancy (not the birth!). So I am off to enjoy time with her while she is here!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Week 11: The energy slowly returns

Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and is about the size of fig and is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
Hi again!
Pregnancy so far for me has been like having a low grade flu or seasickness; I am tired all of the time and exist in one of three states: super hungry, just ate, or nauseated. I haven't had any actual vomiting which I have been shocked by as I am the queen of puking when sick but haven't had to deal with that at all. Probably a little too much information but in the spirit of keeping those of you who might be considering pregnancy in the know (or those w/pregnant friends/family/partners etc.) I will tell you that constipation and gas are a big reality for the pregnant people. Taylor can vouch for this as my digestive issues and an odd and scary pain in my side ruined most of her birthday and turned me into a pain filled cranky bitch. Oh well!! better than the year I had just had my appendix out or the year we spent her birthday in a U-Haul with two terrified cats.
I sincerely apologize for all of you who have wanted to get together or have e-mailed/called (especially Rachel, Stephanie, and Hillary). I seriously spend most of my off time sitting, sleeping or sitting and sleeping at the same time. However, I have noticed in the last week that my energy level seems to be increasing and my stomach seems to have stabilized a little. I am choosing to hope that this means as the promised land of the second trimester approaches I will start feeling great.
We had a fabulous experience a week or so ago when my boss did an ultrasound for us at work. Taylor's family was in town so Mama, Papa (in the wheelchair), Irene, Leah and David...Taylor and I all piled into the exam room for the ultrasound (yes, it was a vaginal ultrasound but there was a sheet and modesty was maintained!). It was amazing as we were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time (160) and we got to see it move its little stumpy arms and legs. It actually is starting to look like a baby...okay it had a head at least which I consider progress. David promises us that he is going to put a video of the ultrasound on the blog so we will harass him until it happens.
Much love to you all...I hope the increase in energy means I can post more! :)
P.S. We went to Portland Pride and can't wait to take the baby next year to march in a parade!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Week 8
Hi all,
Megan asked that I write an entry to let everyone know that we are fine - for the most part. She is right on track with the increased nausea, fatigue, and sore/increasing breasts that was promised in the weekly update she gets from the website, so that's all kinds of fun. In addition to all of the exacerbated pregnancy symptoms, there are some new changes being made at her work and my entire family is set to start arriving for a week and a half long stay beginning this weekend. Needless to say, she is quite tired and feeling overwhelmed by everything - but, she's still pregnant and in the end, that's really the most important thing on which we're focusing.
She wants to let everyone know she will be replying to any emails you might have sent as soon as she gets enough energy and time to sit down and write. So, maybe in another month or so :)
I can't say that I have any of the same reasons for not responding to emails, but do have to cater to her every whim and whine which is keeping me quite busy. I am greatly looking forward to the end of the first trimester of her pregnancy as I am quite excited by the prospect of the second trimester being pretty much the complete opposite of the first. Aside from her appendectomy a few years ago, she's never really had any significant or long-lasting health concerns. Therefore, the last couple of weeks have taken me by surprise in regard to her not feeling 100% all of the time. Seriously, you'd think that she could have prepared me for that just a little bit more. I can only assume this is a fraction of what it'll be like when the baby is here, so I guess I'm getting in a little bit of practice.
Megan asked that I write an entry to let everyone know that we are fine - for the most part. She is right on track with the increased nausea, fatigue, and sore/increasing breasts that was promised in the weekly update she gets from the website, so that's all kinds of fun. In addition to all of the exacerbated pregnancy symptoms, there are some new changes being made at her work and my entire family is set to start arriving for a week and a half long stay beginning this weekend. Needless to say, she is quite tired and feeling overwhelmed by everything - but, she's still pregnant and in the end, that's really the most important thing on which we're focusing.
She wants to let everyone know she will be replying to any emails you might have sent as soon as she gets enough energy and time to sit down and write. So, maybe in another month or so :)
I can't say that I have any of the same reasons for not responding to emails, but do have to cater to her every whim and whine which is keeping me quite busy. I am greatly looking forward to the end of the first trimester of her pregnancy as I am quite excited by the prospect of the second trimester being pretty much the complete opposite of the first. Aside from her appendectomy a few years ago, she's never really had any significant or long-lasting health concerns. Therefore, the last couple of weeks have taken me by surprise in regard to her not feeling 100% all of the time. Seriously, you'd think that she could have prepared me for that just a little bit more. I can only assume this is a fraction of what it'll be like when the baby is here, so I guess I'm getting in a little bit of practice.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Ultrasound #2
Just a quick note to give you all an update. We had a second ultrasound done on Friday, the ultrasound technician wasn't really allowed to tell us what he saw except that the baby looked fine and that the heart rate was 128 (which is good, we wanted it to be over 100). Also the growth rate from Monday to Friday looked good. Our midwife got called into a birth Friday night and left us a voicemail at 10:30 p.m. as the results had come in (can I mention how much I love that she would do that!) and we got the message yesterday that the hematoma has shrunk which is great news. I also stopped bleeding on Wednesday/Thursday. We have our first prenatal appointment on Tuesday and I will have more information then on what this means etc. We also go the first picture of the peanut which I will try and scan in soon. This is a big relief although still a little stress as this does put me into a "higher risk" category for some things. Thanks again for all of your support, e-mails, kind thoughts, and love. We appreciate it.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It continues to be a stressful time for us but we are trying to keep calm. The emergency room had given me the name of an ob/gyn to make an appointment to follow up with. I called on Monday and made an appointment and called yesterday to ask questions about the appointment. I was told that they were planning on calling me to cancel anyway because I had made the mistake of saying that I was planning to see a midwife and they have a policy not to take new patients if they don't plan to stay with the practice for the whole pregnancy. I then was subjected to a few minutes of this nurse telling me how cool the practice is and how they are in the top 100 Portland doctors. I am not sure if this was to try and interest me in the staying...although I didn't feel welcomed...or to tell me how busy they were. I could have a scan at work but they can't follow my care so that was out. I pretty much broke down and called Taylor crying.
We had decided to go with Alma Midwifery that morning so Taylor called Laura, our midwife, to see if she would be able and willing to work with us. According to Taylor (and Laura) she was comfortable managing my care. She went ahead and scheduled me for another ultrasound on Friday and an appointment with her on Tuesday. I have to get my records from the emergency room and have them for the appointment on Friday for comparison. What we would like to see is the bleed shrinking and the baby growing. This does mean that I have a higher chance of bleeding and a second trimester miscarriage, something I don't really want to think about. I am taking some supplements to help with clotting and have worked a half day yesterday and today. I am not feeling great but the bleeding has slowed and is dark brown which is a good sign as it indicates old blood.
I will try and keep the site updated as we get new information. We are feeling a little reclusive so please don't be offended if we take a little while to get back to e-mails and calls...unless you want to bring us food and then we will probably answer the door!!! Taylor doesn't cook and I can't get off the couch so we are doing the take out, frozen food thing. Emotionally I think we both are dealing but having typical "why isn't the world fair" thoughts and are of course very worried about the baby. Think good thoughts.
We had decided to go with Alma Midwifery that morning so Taylor called Laura, our midwife, to see if she would be able and willing to work with us. According to Taylor (and Laura) she was comfortable managing my care. She went ahead and scheduled me for another ultrasound on Friday and an appointment with her on Tuesday. I have to get my records from the emergency room and have them for the appointment on Friday for comparison. What we would like to see is the bleed shrinking and the baby growing. This does mean that I have a higher chance of bleeding and a second trimester miscarriage, something I don't really want to think about. I am taking some supplements to help with clotting and have worked a half day yesterday and today. I am not feeling great but the bleeding has slowed and is dark brown which is a good sign as it indicates old blood.
I will try and keep the site updated as we get new information. We are feeling a little reclusive so please don't be offended if we take a little while to get back to e-mails and calls...unless you want to bring us food and then we will probably answer the door!!! Taylor doesn't cook and I can't get off the couch so we are doing the take out, frozen food thing. Emotionally I think we both are dealing but having typical "why isn't the world fair" thoughts and are of course very worried about the baby. Think good thoughts.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Scary Mother's Day
Not so good news for our "first" mother's day. I started having some spotting yesterday around noon and it increased and became red by the evening. I spoke to some phone nurses and my boss, the former suggesting I go see a doctor (on Sunday this translates to the emergency room) and the latter suggesting that I wait until today so I could have an ultrasound done at work. We decided to wait but I woke up at 2:30 a.m. with more cramping and I was passing some tissue. We went to the emergency room at that point convinced that the pregnancy was over. Taylor was very good about processing her emotions (crying, being supportive etc.) while I seemed (and still have) to have turned off my emotions altogether. We spent three hours in the emergency room and the ultrasound showed good things: there was still a baby, in the correct location, with appropriate growth, and most importantly a heartbeat. Apparently I had what is called a subchorionic hemorrhage which does not mean that this pregnancy can't continue; a lot of pregnancies do but did seem to suggest that it might mean a higher chance something might be of concern. We are just really tired and trying to be cautiously optimistic. :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
Me Hungry...
Remember how I was analyzing IF I had pregnancy symptoms.? Yeah, it is pretty apparent now. I am more exhausted then I can remember being...and yes, i know it will most likely continue, I have what I think exceeds "breast tenderness" in the fact that at times I want to rip them from my chest given the burning pain, and I have instant ravenous hunger if not fed every few hours. I mean, I have to eat NOW or I feel like I will die, hunger. I have taken to carrying snacks with me or in low moments eating stale cookies out of friend's purses (thanks, Mandy).
I crawl to the couch or the bed as soon as I get home and forget exercising so far although I do hope to join a couple prenatal classes when I get the energy up...and through all of this I am just so ecstatic that we are going to have a baby. It still seems unreal and I think it will until I can see my belly grow.
We have our second of two interviews with a midwifery practice on Monday and I plan to post our decision. Otherwise, the embryo and I are good and slowly figuring out how to coexist...with Taylor figuring out how to be supportive or at least stay out of the way when I need to feed.
Much love and Happy Mother's Day!!
I crawl to the couch or the bed as soon as I get home and forget exercising so far although I do hope to join a couple prenatal classes when I get the energy up...and through all of this I am just so ecstatic that we are going to have a baby. It still seems unreal and I think it will until I can see my belly grow.
We have our second of two interviews with a midwifery practice on Monday and I plan to post our decision. Otherwise, the embryo and I are good and slowly figuring out how to coexist...with Taylor figuring out how to be supportive or at least stay out of the way when I need to feed.
Much love and Happy Mother's Day!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Numbers don't lie
Sorry for the lack of posting, Taylor went out of town to visit her parents in Boise so I had a quiet weekend to myself. I still have to keep reminding myself that I am pregnant. It doesn't seem real at all. I had some cramping over the weekend which I got a little worried about but apparently it is quite is that whole thing of early pregnancy symptoms and pre-menstrual symptoms being pretty much the same thing. Or what I call the evilness of the human body! Seriously, if you don't want to be pregnant you think you are getting your period, if you do want to be pregnant or are and want to stay that way you end up thinking that you are getting your period or miscarrying.
So just because I can, I did another blood test and a progesterone level (bonus again of working at a fertility clinic with an in house lab and an accommodating staff!) and everything looks great. All my levels are just where they should be. This is a huge relief although again I still have trouble believing that I am pregnant. Maybe because I have been waiting and planning for this for a long time, we both have, but I think Taylor would be the first to agree that I have always been really passionate about wanting to be pregnant.
Since the numbers seem to indicate that I really am going to have a baby I called to set up some interviews for a health care provider. Taylor and I decided awhile ago that we want to birth with a midwife. As long as this is considered a low risk pregnancy I do not want to be in the hospital and Taylor has not been comfortable with a home birth so our compromise has been a freestanding birth center not associated with a hospital. I strongly believe in the midwifery model of care and think that it best fits who we are and how we want to perceive this pregnancy and birth. Plus, I am biased as I worked at Birthingway College of Midwifery for a brief time and know the fabulousness of the staff, faculty, and students there. We are considering Alma Midwifery Service and Andaluz Waterbirth Center and will be meeting with midwives from both next week and the following week. I am so excited!!!
So just because I can, I did another blood test and a progesterone level (bonus again of working at a fertility clinic with an in house lab and an accommodating staff!) and everything looks great. All my levels are just where they should be. This is a huge relief although again I still have trouble believing that I am pregnant. Maybe because I have been waiting and planning for this for a long time, we both have, but I think Taylor would be the first to agree that I have always been really passionate about wanting to be pregnant.
Since the numbers seem to indicate that I really am going to have a baby I called to set up some interviews for a health care provider. Taylor and I decided awhile ago that we want to birth with a midwife. As long as this is considered a low risk pregnancy I do not want to be in the hospital and Taylor has not been comfortable with a home birth so our compromise has been a freestanding birth center not associated with a hospital. I strongly believe in the midwifery model of care and think that it best fits who we are and how we want to perceive this pregnancy and birth. Plus, I am biased as I worked at Birthingway College of Midwifery for a brief time and know the fabulousness of the staff, faculty, and students there. We are considering Alma Midwifery Service and Andaluz Waterbirth Center and will be meeting with midwives from both next week and the following week. I am so excited!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Today's Blood Test
This is just a quick note to say that my blood test score was 95.9 this morning! This seems to be a strong number and has helped relieve our minds about the pregnancy thus far. I'm off to bed early again tonight - I'm not that far along and already super tired, I guess I'm just starting to prepare for the level of energy we can expect to have for the next few years.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Our Academy Awards Thank You Speech
I feel like we haven't given enough credit to all of the people that have been providing care for us while we have been trying to get pregnant. We feel so lucky to have been able to do IUI procedures at home, it was incredibly personal and special to be in our own safe space while creating our family. Dr. Annie Hanaway is our naturopath and we think she is fabulous. Lisa Pate is the acupuncturist that I have been seeing. She also does work with clients at the fertility clinic that I work at, I would totally recommend her for anyone. Molly Padulo is our counselor that we plan to continue seeing, she is amazing in helping us work through issues as a couple and in terms of parenting preparation. Of course our friends and families are fabulous and their continued love and support means so much to us.
We have our second blood test tomorrow and I am anxious to make sure that the blood level is rising. If so our due date is around the end of December/beginning of January. We already have appointments set up with two midwifery practices that have freestanding birth centers in a couple weeks to select who our pregnancy/birth care provider will be!!
We have our second blood test tomorrow and I am anxious to make sure that the blood level is rising. If so our due date is around the end of December/beginning of January. We already have appointments set up with two midwifery practices that have freestanding birth centers in a couple weeks to select who our pregnancy/birth care provider will be!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I am pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We didn't get a chance to call all our friends and family today although I plan to e-mail/call more people tomorrow. I had to post in case anyone is checking tonight. It seems surreal and I don't think we quite believe it yet but we are ecstatic. Taylor wants everyone to know that this was the best picture she could get of the positive test. I don't know what else to write b/c I am kinda in a good way. :) Love to you all...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Maybe, Baby?
I took a pee test on Sunday and it was, of course, negative because my period is not due until Saturday but I couldn't wait. I took one this morning at 5:45 a.m. and it was negative in that there wasn't even a faint line (for those in the pregnancy test know...even a faint line means positive) but if I squinted and kinda slanted it there might have been a line. So I woke Taylor up and yes, she was ever so thrilled to have to wake up and squint at a possible line on a stick covered in pee. She thought she might have seen it but we were not sure. This has led me to think that digital tests are the only way to go for both ovulation predicting and pregnancy test. This way you avoid the bullshit of trying to guess if there is a line and if it is dark enough. We will do another urine test in the morning and a blood test tomorrow. Think pregnant.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
So I don't feel pregnant this time which makes sense as I wouldn't be yet...this is implantation week. I had acupuncture to relax and help facilitate implantation this morning which was fabulous especially as I ended up having a super stressful day. I kept repeating "We are open to having you in our lives, our hearts, and my body."
Again can I say that it is so hard to wait to do a pregnancy test especially because you don't know if fertilization has even happened. There should be a test for that. We want this so much! Although my acupuncturist says that the things we want most sometimes don't come easily which makes them all the more special. I repeated that to Taylor and got her standard response: "fuck that shit." Ahh, my partner is so profound. She went on to say that whether things are difficult or hard, they are always special because they're shared between us. Ahh, my partner is so corny.
Again can I say that it is so hard to wait to do a pregnancy test especially because you don't know if fertilization has even happened. There should be a test for that. We want this so much! Although my acupuncturist says that the things we want most sometimes don't come easily which makes them all the more special. I repeated that to Taylor and got her standard response: "fuck that shit." Ahh, my partner is so profound. She went on to say that whether things are difficult or hard, they are always special because they're shared between us. Ahh, my partner is so corny.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Attempt, Version 2.2
Yes, you are right, Taylor did come up with the title for this post...she self admits she is a geek. The insemination this morning went really well. We did confirm that she used the uterine sound yesterday and that she was able to get into the uterus both last night and this morning. She did not need to use the sound this morning as the cervix was already dilated. We think that our timing was really good...I did another ovulation test last night that was positive so I think the negative one was just because I hadn't waited long enough before peeing on a stick. As all of our getting pregnant books state we are in the excitement phase of the process now and we are really hopeful. We can test in a couple weeks! Think Fertilization.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Attempt #2
My plan was to start blogging yesterday on Day 14 (which was yesterday) but given that I went to a work presentation and didn't get home until after nine, that didn't happen. It also just wasn't a good day in general and both Taylor and I had underestimated the stress we have been under the last couple weeks; the disappointment about the last attempt, Papa's surgery, stress about attempt #2, and general work/life stress...we, of course, took our stress out on each other. I took two ovulation tests yesterday which were negative (not surprising as I have not ovulated on Day 14 in the time I have been tracking my cycle) and had an acupuncture appointment which was so relaxing.
I credit the acupuncture because I had a negative test this morning (ignoring the fact that I am not really supposed to test the first morning urine) but a positive test with the midday test. I tested again this afternoon and it was negative but I think that was because I didn't wait enough time (usually a couple hours) without peeing so that the hormone could build up b/c it was negative at 5, I will probably test again tonight. Our doctor came over (part of the stress yesterday was deciding if we should use the tenaculum and uterine sound...if you remember neither felt great...for this attempt) and this time she was able to get into the uterus!!! Not sure if it was the new cannula that I brought home or if she did use the sound (we forgot to ask...although it was quite uncomfy it was not as bad a last time). We plan to do a second insemination tomorrow morning, I will be sure to ask if we did the sound yesterday. Then we both go to work and the wait begins!! Thanks for all of your support. :)
I credit the acupuncture because I had a negative test this morning (ignoring the fact that I am not really supposed to test the first morning urine) but a positive test with the midday test. I tested again this afternoon and it was negative but I think that was because I didn't wait enough time (usually a couple hours) without peeing so that the hormone could build up b/c it was negative at 5, I will probably test again tonight. Our doctor came over (part of the stress yesterday was deciding if we should use the tenaculum and uterine sound...if you remember neither felt great...for this attempt) and this time she was able to get into the uterus!!! Not sure if it was the new cannula that I brought home or if she did use the sound (we forgot to ask...although it was quite uncomfy it was not as bad a last time). We plan to do a second insemination tomorrow morning, I will be sure to ask if we did the sound yesterday. Then we both go to work and the wait begins!! Thanks for all of your support. :)
Friday, April 4, 2008
The new plan
Papa's surgery went well and although he has been too doped up to talk to us, Mama reports that he is good. Thank you all for your great healing energy...keep it coming.
The new plan is that the sperm will arrive on Tuesday, which works well as Taylor is working from home that day. I should ovulate as early as Wednesday and as late as Saturday...we are hoping for early so that Taylor can buy plane tickets to go to Boise to visit and help out with Papa's recovery. If my body doesn't cooperate then she may have to wait until the following weekend.
I have been pretty stressed about this next attempt since I felt a little like a failure with the first insemination...this has nothing to do with the process or our doctor but with my relationship with my body. Aside from my history of disordered eating which I am sure plays into all of this in some way, I have always had this huge fear that I can not get pregnant. I think I don't trust myself or my body so when it was a little more challenging than expected I automatically go to this place where I start thinking the worst. It probably does not help that I work at a fertility clinic and so infertility is the norm for me...I forget that my only real fertility challenge is a lack of sperm and apparently a slightly difficult cervix.
For some reason today I am feeling much more positive about the upcoming attempt. I think we will be more relaxed because we know what is going to happen, we will probably have to use the tenaculum again although our doctor is thinking we might try a different one and she feels really confident so I think that is helping me too. I also might try to take a day off to rest following the insemination's. I have scheduled acupuncture for next Tuesday (Day 14) and for the following Tuesday after the insemination.
Taylor is excited too but as usual is cautiously optimistic and hoping for the best. We are just ready for it to be next week!
The new plan is that the sperm will arrive on Tuesday, which works well as Taylor is working from home that day. I should ovulate as early as Wednesday and as late as Saturday...we are hoping for early so that Taylor can buy plane tickets to go to Boise to visit and help out with Papa's recovery. If my body doesn't cooperate then she may have to wait until the following weekend.
I have been pretty stressed about this next attempt since I felt a little like a failure with the first insemination...this has nothing to do with the process or our doctor but with my relationship with my body. Aside from my history of disordered eating which I am sure plays into all of this in some way, I have always had this huge fear that I can not get pregnant. I think I don't trust myself or my body so when it was a little more challenging than expected I automatically go to this place where I start thinking the worst. It probably does not help that I work at a fertility clinic and so infertility is the norm for me...I forget that my only real fertility challenge is a lack of sperm and apparently a slightly difficult cervix.
For some reason today I am feeling much more positive about the upcoming attempt. I think we will be more relaxed because we know what is going to happen, we will probably have to use the tenaculum again although our doctor is thinking we might try a different one and she feels really confident so I think that is helping me too. I also might try to take a day off to rest following the insemination's. I have scheduled acupuncture for next Tuesday (Day 14) and for the following Tuesday after the insemination.
Taylor is excited too but as usual is cautiously optimistic and hoping for the best. We are just ready for it to be next week!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Staying in the moment
I apologize for not posting recently, I have to admit to a little sadness over the failed insemination attempt but I think that we have rallied well. I had a "pity party" day and then got back in the mindset of getting ready for the second try which will most likely occur at the end of next week.
FYI I am a planner and a control freak so letting that go and trying to accept what is...that the average number of attempts seems to be around 3, that I can't wish myself pregnant, that everything will happen when it should happen and how it should happen is hard for me. Taylor is much more laid back (or seems to be, sometimes I can't tell if she is laid back or just expending too much energy dealing with my big feelings she forgets to pay attention to her own). I, of course, have already identified the best day care options for us, birthing classes, birth centers etc. and am ready (overly ready) to go. Through accupuncture, counseling, and reading I am trying to learn to stay in the moment, remember to breathe, and not get too stressed. Which is not easy when I have been waiting for this time in our lives for years. However, I really feel blessed to have the friends and family that we have and not just the people close to us but those of you who read this blog that haven't met us or are friends of our friends/family. I have meet two people in the last two weeks who have gotten the blog address through people who know us and who were so sweet and supportive (hi to Stacey and Pamela!). I often write on here not even thinking of who reads it, hence the barely articulate postings, but feels so wonderful to know that there is such positive energy and support from all of you. Thank you!
I would like to harness some of that energy and ask you to send healing, healthy thoughts/wishes/prayers to Papa (Taylor's father) as he goes in for surgery tomorrow. We will be thinking of him and hope that you can take a moment to keep him in your thoughts too.
FYI I am a planner and a control freak so letting that go and trying to accept what is...that the average number of attempts seems to be around 3, that I can't wish myself pregnant, that everything will happen when it should happen and how it should happen is hard for me. Taylor is much more laid back (or seems to be, sometimes I can't tell if she is laid back or just expending too much energy dealing with my big feelings she forgets to pay attention to her own). I, of course, have already identified the best day care options for us, birthing classes, birth centers etc. and am ready (overly ready) to go. Through accupuncture, counseling, and reading I am trying to learn to stay in the moment, remember to breathe, and not get too stressed. Which is not easy when I have been waiting for this time in our lives for years. However, I really feel blessed to have the friends and family that we have and not just the people close to us but those of you who read this blog that haven't met us or are friends of our friends/family. I have meet two people in the last two weeks who have gotten the blog address through people who know us and who were so sweet and supportive (hi to Stacey and Pamela!). I often write on here not even thinking of who reads it, hence the barely articulate postings, but feels so wonderful to know that there is such positive energy and support from all of you. Thank you!
I would like to harness some of that energy and ask you to send healing, healthy thoughts/wishes/prayers to Papa (Taylor's father) as he goes in for surgery tomorrow. We will be thinking of him and hope that you can take a moment to keep him in your thoughts too.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
There will be blood...
It's not just the title of a movie, folks! I did a couple home tests over the weekend and a confirmatory blood test on Monday...all negative. My period started today and the two week cycle begins again. We have ordered the sperm shipment and are planning the second insemination. I am hopeful that it will work and terrified that it won't. Here we go again!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Not today, probably not this month
So we took a blood pregnancy test at work today. My co-worker Heather was so super sweet and stayed late to run it for us and then gave us a very nice note telling us that our result was negative. It is a little bit early so it may be a false negative and we will do another test if I don't get my period but it probably just didn't happen this month. :( The part that pisses me off is that I was so sure that I was pregnant. Oh well. We will try again and figure out what to do better. Taylor keeps repeating what our doctor and the meditation c.d. say; that our family will be created in its own right time and in its own right way. Which is right...and we will be very ready for it when it does happen!!! :)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Waiting is torture...
As several people have pointed out one of the most annoying things about waiting to find out if you are pregnant is that most of the early pregnancy signs are pre-menstrual signs as well. I have had odd side pains since insemination, a day and a half of dizziness, and the ever annoying sore breasts. I don't know if I feel pregnant because I have no idea what that would feel like but I do think that I might be. Taylor is much more cautious and says "there is no reason to think you aren't pregnant." Which basically means she doesn't want to get her hopes up just in case. Probably the smart thing to do but I am very hopeful!
On Tuesday we were on a panel about lesbians having babies (technically Taylor identifies as queer but she was cool with it) for the Forest Grove PFLAG group. It was us and another couple who have an adorable 3 month old baby who smiled at me...Taylor says this is a sign that he was recognizing that I am pregnant but we will see. It was so interesting to talk about our process and listen to another couple describe their process. It is really empowering to realize that we do have some control over all of this in the way we address things, the decisions we make, and the pride we take in ourselves, our friends/family, and community. I would like to think everyone at the Forest Grove PFLAG group for making us feel so welcome.
On Tuesday we were on a panel about lesbians having babies (technically Taylor identifies as queer but she was cool with it) for the Forest Grove PFLAG group. It was us and another couple who have an adorable 3 month old baby who smiled at me...Taylor says this is a sign that he was recognizing that I am pregnant but we will see. It was so interesting to talk about our process and listen to another couple describe their process. It is really empowering to realize that we do have some control over all of this in the way we address things, the decisions we make, and the pride we take in ourselves, our friends/family, and community. I would like to think everyone at the Forest Grove PFLAG group for making us feel so welcome.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The mind plays tricks...on my boobs!
As some of you know I am somewhat high anxiety in general but you may not know that I have a tendency for psychosomatic illness. Like when I read about some condition online I tend to start seeing the symptoms in myself or Taylor. This is why I am rarely "allowed" to look up symptoms we really do have lest I convince myself we have some kind of plague. So it isn't so surprising that I am doing that now when I have another week or so to wait until we find out if we are pregnant. For example our friend Hillary mentioned that one of the ways that she knew she was pregnant with her son was a lot of breast tenderness. I had had a little soreness prior to that but of course the next day they were significantly more sore. Taylor was pointing out that they could just be sore because I had been poking them to see if they were sore...valid albeit annoying point. I am trying to keep in mind that even if fertilization occurred last week it does not mean that implantation has or will occur...and there is nothing I can do about any of it aside from trying to control the impulse to look up information that is not going to be helpful! :)
We hibernated for most of last week as the first part of the week was emotionally stressful for us both and in addition had been somewhat physically stressful for me. On Friday though, we had a mellow night with our friends Hillary and Ian and their little boy Jude (who is so adorable that he would make most people want to have a baby!). We were extra social this weekend and went out of town to visit our friends Becky and Garren and their fabulously self confident daughter Erica. We relaxed in their newly remodeled house and watched a somewhat disturbing romantic comedy. We usually attend a Sunday night party to watch the L word but as we were late getting home after stopping to visit family we decided to stay home and be calm. My goal lately is to try to breathe and be calm. Less stress=increased fertility and healthier environment for the potential baby.
We hibernated for most of last week as the first part of the week was emotionally stressful for us both and in addition had been somewhat physically stressful for me. On Friday though, we had a mellow night with our friends Hillary and Ian and their little boy Jude (who is so adorable that he would make most people want to have a baby!). We were extra social this weekend and went out of town to visit our friends Becky and Garren and their fabulously self confident daughter Erica. We relaxed in their newly remodeled house and watched a somewhat disturbing romantic comedy. We usually attend a Sunday night party to watch the L word but as we were late getting home after stopping to visit family we decided to stay home and be calm. My goal lately is to try to breathe and be calm. Less stress=increased fertility and healthier environment for the potential baby.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Positive frame of mind
Sorry for the delay in posting! The insemination yesterday morning went well, our doctor was still not able to get into the inner os but she seems confident. We did get the sperm in and there is a good chance that I could get pregnant as the sperm is good quality and I seem to have no fertility challenges except for a cranky cervix and lack of sperm. The insemination was a lot easier and she did not need to be as invasive with the outer os (no lidocaine or clamp thing) we listened to a visualization CD from Belleruth Naparstek (I so love saying that) that was so relaxing that I drifted off during the insemination, Taylor and Dr. Hanaway really enjoyed it too. Dr. Hanaway left and we got to lay together for about 45 minutes before I had to go to work. It really reinforced how happy we are we decided to go a less medicalized route. So we will see what is what in a couple weeks; if I am pregnant we will be ecstatically terrified and if not we will have a lot more information on how to improve the next insemination.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Think Fertilization
I had a positive test this morning and we did an insemination this evening and plan another one for 8 tomorrow morning!! Our doctor was unable to get through the inner os but did put sperm in so it is what it is at this point. I am disappointed about not getting all the way in but trying not to be...apparently my cervix points down (damn cervix) and while the outer os was wide open the inner had some issues. We will see what happens tomorrow and really it just takes one getting to the egg, right?. Dr. Hanaway was great and talked me through all the uncomfy parts, we played music that Taylor had compiled, Taylor thawed the sperm and held my hand through the whole thing, we also did a visualization afterwards led by the doctor that was really nice and relaxing. I am having a little cramping and a little bleeding and am just trying to take it easy. Taylor had her first night of class tonight and had to be a little late but I was so glad she stayed. As I am tired, emotional, and crampy that is all for tonight. Thanks for all the good wishes and love! :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
It's in the mail...
I heard from our fabulous friend Cindy at California Cryobank (where I used to work) that according to her "the kids have left the building". She gave the sperm a pep talk and me a calming talk and they are on their way. I do have the tracking number (because Cindy is fully aware of my anxiety issues...even knowing that she gave me her cell number again) so I can obsessively watch them make their way to Oregon tomorrow....currently they have left Menlo Park, CA about an hour ago. Think happy thoughts for a safe journey.
The tank will be coming to Salem as we are staying with our family this weekend. I am going to a class with my cousin, Jessica and Taylor will hang out at the house with our nieces and their dad. Seeing Brinsley and Brooklynn and what great parents Jessica and Travis are, always reinforces our decision to parent.
I promise more updates as they occur!
The tank will be coming to Salem as we are staying with our family this weekend. I am going to a class with my cousin, Jessica and Taylor will hang out at the house with our nieces and their dad. Seeing Brinsley and Brooklynn and what great parents Jessica and Travis are, always reinforces our decision to parent.
I promise more updates as they occur!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Faux Marriage and then the Baby Carriage
So I forgot to mention that we registered for the Oregon state domestic partnership. Or as we like to say we got "faux married" this week. Before all of the sickness occurred we had our friend Ingrid, who is a notary, sign our papers for us and then we had a fabulous dinner with her and our friends Mike and Alisyn at a vegan restaurant. We didn't get a chance to file until Tuesday before going to see our lawyer to finalize our estate planning. At this point we are all set legally as a couple which is nice and the opportunity to have a state partnership is great too but I have to admit to a lack of excitement about the registration process. We have registered so many places now that it has lost any real feeling of accomplishment or celebration. I save that for when we can actually have federal rights. I don't mean to sound whiny and ungrateful for all the wonderful work that has gone into securing these new domestic partnership rights because I am grateful. I just would love to be able to be legally married. Anything else starts to seem like an insult after awhile.
In terms of the babymaking the sperm is set to arrive in Oregon on 3/8. This is Day 14 of my cycle. I have not ovulated this early before but have had a positive test (which indicates ovulation with occur within 24-36 hours) on Day 15 and more frequently on Days 17 and we will just see. Thank goodness the tank is good for seven days! When I have positive test (testing in the early afternoon) the plan is to call our doctor and she will come to the house and do an insemination that night and the following day/night. Then we can do a pregnancy test in 12-14 days. If I am pregnant, yay!!! If not, I will get my period and try again in approximately 2 more weeks.
It is getting so close now. :)
In terms of the babymaking the sperm is set to arrive in Oregon on 3/8. This is Day 14 of my cycle. I have not ovulated this early before but have had a positive test (which indicates ovulation with occur within 24-36 hours) on Day 15 and more frequently on Days 17 and we will just see. Thank goodness the tank is good for seven days! When I have positive test (testing in the early afternoon) the plan is to call our doctor and she will come to the house and do an insemination that night and the following day/night. Then we can do a pregnancy test in 12-14 days. If I am pregnant, yay!!! If not, I will get my period and try again in approximately 2 more weeks.
It is getting so close now. :)
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